(1) Orientation workshop/Training on the International Code/ National Legislation: 
India: Sensitization workshops to enhance awareness about the provisions of the IMS Act and mechanisms for monitoring the violations were organized. The workshops were facilitated by states of India  Assam ,  Uttar Pradesh , Odisha  ,  Andhra Pradesh , Jharkhand
Bangladesh: A divisional workshop on the new BMS law, 2013 was organized for health professionals.  Report
Nepal: A training of national trainers on the BMS code was organized with technical resource from BPNI, India.  Report
(2) Knowledge Building on IYCF: 
India: Ensuring adequate and appropriate complementary feeding in terms of quality (dietary diversity) and quantity along with continued breastfeeding is one of the biggest challenges to improving child growth and reducing stunting. A recent assessment of the Baby Friendly Community Health Initiative in Lalitpur district, Uttar Pradesh found that while breastfeeding practices in the families were good, complementary feeding practices were not optimal  in terms of dietary diversity, frequency and adequacy. This trend is likely to be universal, and understanding the “why” of it is important, if improvements in IYCF outcomes are to be seen. 
A qualitative study is therefore proposed to understand the current practice of infant and young child feeding among households, with a focus on complementary feeding practices.  The main objective of the study is to better understand the barriers to the adoption of appropriate IYCF practices by pregnant and lactating women. The lessons learnt are expected to feed into policy and programmatic reform and in the redesign of IYCF interventions if required. Report
(3) National Workshop on development of IYCF action plan: 
Afghanistan: A national workshop to support the development of provincial IYCF action plans  was organized. Report
(4) South Asia Regional Workshop on the WBCi financial planning tool :
IBFAN Asia organized the South Asia Regional Workshop “Strengthening Infant and Young Child Feeding Policies and Programmes in South Asia Region” from 9th to 12th December 2014 at Parwanoo, Himachal Pradesh, India. It brought together 52 participants from seven SA countries – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lank. Report
(5) Capacity building on IYCF
Nepal: Master's Training on IYCF conducted at Kathmandu, Nepal, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital Maharajgung Medical Campus Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal from February 9th to 28th, 2014. Report
India: A training of national trainers conducted  at UCMS & GTB Hospital Delhi , India from 18-31 August 2014. Report
(6)   Dissemination of WBCi Tool
Events in 20 countries: Summary Report of the World Breastfeeding Costing Initiative (WBCi) launch in 20 countries. Report
Side event at the World Health Assembly: WBCi launched at the World Health Assembly on 21st May 2014 in Geneva. The launch was attended by over 80 participants from several countries and included representatives of both governments and civil society organizations