• World Breastfeeding Conference, 2012: The World Breastfeeding Conference 2012, was organized as part of the five year Strategic Plan of the Global Breastfeeding Initiative for Child Survival (gBICS), made a collective effort to address these challenges . The conference, was organized with no conflict of interest in the form of support from industry, also proposed to release a report on the situation of infant feeding policies and practices in at least 51 countries that completed the assessment using the IBFAN's World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi ) tool.
    The conference attracted participation from 83countries spread across the five continents of the globe. It had an impressive participation of over 700 people that include government representatives, international agencies, donor agencies, specialists, individuals and civil society organizations, non government organizations and networks. Of these, 138 participants were from 49 governments and 26 UN participants from 19 countries. Senior officials from the headquarters of the WHO, WHA and UNICEF participated in the proceedings lending weight to program support in the partner countries.
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  • South Asia region IYCF workshop: IBFAN Asia organized a Planning Workshop on Strengthening Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices and Programmes in South Asia Region (SAFANSI Project), in New Delhi on 10th December 2012. It brought together 54 participants from 8 SA countries - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and experts from SAIFRN and World Bank.
Link:  project/SAR-WS-Report.pdf
  • South Asia Report Card - 2012 : This report card tracks the progress of eight South Asian countries along 10 areas of action and 5 indicators related to IYCF practices, outlined by the WHO-UNICEF Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child feeding as being critical for improving IYCF and breastfeeding practice. Using the WBTi tool to assess status and track progress over the period 2005-2012, the report card provides an overview of the individual countries as well as the region, showing progress in policy and programme implementation for improved IYCF. The five countries that did a third assessment in 2012 have shown improved scores, and four have improved their colour rating.

  • Are We Doing Enough , For Our Babies? : Trend analysis in infant and young child feeding policies, programmes and practices in South Asia
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