Workshop Conducted on “Strengthening IYCF Policies and Programmes in South Asia Region”


IBFAN Asia organized a Workshop on Strengthening Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices and Programmes in South Asia Region (SAFANSI Project),  at Barog Himachal Pradesh from 23-26th March 2014. It brought together 23 participants from 7 SA countries - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and expert from World Bank.


The workshop was organised with the objectives:

1.    To take stock of progress of implementation of the plans made in 2012.

2.    Lessons learned and to plan ahead.

3.    Orientation of participants for use of the tools to budget policy and programmes on IYCF.


Download Report : Workshop on "Strengthening Infant and Young Child Feeding Policies and Programmes in South Asia Region"